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Court Organization

Our top priority must be getting the court adjusted to two new judges. With the other elected judge and the court administrator, we must complete a review of how dockets, trials, and other court business are scheduled to identify redundancies and efficiencies.

From my time as a prosecutor in this county, for instance, moving the Friday criminal docket to Thursday and eliminating back-to-back court day criminal dockets and a long gap between criminal docket dates would help move cases along. 

A scheduled, consistent first appearance calendar would help the jail, prosecutor’s office, and public defender’s office schedule their activities a few hours before the hearing.

Modernizing the Court

The court needs to take strides to move further into the 21st century. This could begin with moving to an electronic order and signature system.  The Washington standard court forms could be incorporated, and other orders could be submitted by parties in a method similar to the way the Washington federal district courts’ system operates. 

Electronic signature pads should be available for parties needing to sign documents in court. This system should also help the prosecutor’s office and the Department of Public Defense save time and materials.

Over time, we must continue to find ways to use technology and other tools to make the court more accessible, efficient, and transparent. Some ideas could include establishing an Upper County docket time for specific events such as the finalization of divorces or short evidentiary hearings where parties reside in Upper County and expanding and improving virtual appearances for parties and witnesses.

Expand the Behavioral Health Court

I was the Prosecutor’s Office representative in launching our Kittitas County District Courts Behavioral Health Court (BHC) which is a partnership between the Upper and Lower Kittitas County District Court, Kittitas County Prosecutor’s Office, City of Ellensburg, City of Cle Elum/Roslyn, Defense Attorneys, Kittitas County Misdemeanant Probation, Merit Resource Services, Comprehensive Mental Health, Hope Source, and other agencies.

After drug offenders, people with mental health issues are the biggest recidivists. Expanding our behavioral health court would improve lives and save the county and state money long-term.


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